The secret to answered prayers

Daniel 10:12

¹² Then the angel said, “Daniel, don't be afraid. God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer.

Many people today are willing to pray, others spend 2 hours of endless prayers, others 4, 6 or even days praying to God in different styles, others in tongues, others in total silence, others on mountains, in churches or in their own rooms and many others.

All these are ok, but what determines the effectiveness of the result of their prayer is the knowledge of God which is the knowledge of truth.

Have you ever prayed and ended up giving up? The issue is not the way we pray, the issue is a made up mind to gain the knowledge of God or search for the truth about God. 

Some people have dropped out of faith because they have tried all these kinds of prayers and it hasn't worked for them. For some the situation even became worse and they started asking themselves if God really exist, and if he exist, does he really care?

As the scripture says, my people perish because of lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)

Why many have failed in the knowledge

Some people don't have time to read the word of God, those who try to read it, do it too fast to finish and start doing other things. Their hearts are not centered in knowing the real meaning of the word but to finish and say "today I have read this verse". 

Others have daily devotionals by some of the most anointed preachers on the earth today but they read to satisfy their minds that they have read the word of God for today. 

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How to develop the knowledge of God

God is like your best friend, there was a time when you didn't know that friend of yours, but as time went on, you got closer to him/her. 

As time went on, you started realising that there are certain things he likes and certain things he doesn't like by studying him/her closely. And so you started avoiding the things he doesn't like, and  also showed him/her that you also don't like those things. (This is very important in a relationship, this is knowing the kind of person you are dealing with).

You developed the same mindset, he/she started trusting you with some of his things, he gives you money and doesn't ask for it back. 

Then it reached a level where he/she just looks at you and realizes something must be missing from your life and he/she delivers it to you without you asking or telling him/her your problems. That's how God wants to be to us.

But in most cases, we miss the stage of knowing the kind of person/God we are dealing with,  and start to do things the way we hear from other people. And at the end of it all, we don't know if someone is hot tempered and end up into troubles. We don't know that someone is being kind, and make a fool of them. 

But how will you know the nature of a person if you don't get closer to him. How will you know the nature of God if you don't get closer to Him through his word. His word revels all things about him. 

When you know the nature of a person, you will know how to communicate to him or ask something and receive it. In the same way, when you know the nature of God, you will also know how to pray or talk to him and have your prayers answered.

The scripture says Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8

The only way we can draw closer to God or gain knowledge of him is through his word.

But it takes humility to settle down and give time to study His word. That's why Daniel 10:12, the angel said, "your prayer has been answered ever since the first day you humble yourself to gain understanding".

Others keep saying, I'll do it tomorrow, others open the bible and  start to sleep, they wake up and find themselves in the same verse, then they try to read and sleep again. Then finally they give up. But  I encourage you today, don't say tomorrow and don't  give up as well!


When you try to read the word and things aren't entering, first stop. Pray to God and ask him to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand his word. (Mathew 7:7 "ask and you will receive").

 Paul prayed for the Ephesians... (I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him)

When you pray, believe me, you will receive a certain wisdom, you will not know how the power of sleep disappeared and you will read and leave when you know alot about God. 

Your prayers will begin to be answered from the first day you start praying. Infact, you will start receiving certain things without praying for it. And I promise you, one day you will give me a call and say, "the things are working now." 

Even the witches will get scared of you thinking you are in a different level of witchcraft.

May the grace of God abound in you richly. In Jesus name. Amen!   

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Still remain your friend, 

Otim Brian Sundison

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