The Human eyes


Matthew 6:22

[22] “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. [23] But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

The human body is made up of cells, deep inside the cells, there are what we call DNA . This DNA is like a book or memory card if I may relate.

And the main function of this DNA is to store the information which your cells need to grow, function and reproduce.

Some of the information are copied from the DNA of our parents, that's why we may look like them, talk like them and do things like them. But as you grow up, the DNA starts receiving information from the world through the five senses in the body, and that is touch, *sight* , hearing, smell and taste.

Basing on the information reaching the DNA, it can either be caused to function much more better or to start sending wrong signals to the rest of the body and the whole body starts malfunctioning.

That is why Jesus, in our opening scriptures above warned us about our eyes. Why? Because it is one of the five senses in the human body, and perhaps one of the most important.

The information going into the human mind through the eyes can cause the DNA to start sending wrong signals to your body and the whole body becomes sick.

That's why the more you look into worldly things, is the more you will want to act like the world. The more you look into that celebrity of yours, is the more you will want to talk like her, dress like her and behave like her.

That's why the scriptures warned us to keep the word of God in our eyes. Not the worldly styles. 

Proverbs 4:20 My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.    21. Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart.

 ²² For they are life to him who finds them, and healing to all his flesh. (Pro 4: 22)

The scriptures is trying to tell us that we should keep the word in our sight, and it will go deep into our DNA and give life to it. Even the dead cells, cancer cells, etc will start to function properly because the DNA will be giving it life. Hallelujah!

You know, there are people, whose entire life is worldly, they watch the TV shows like wrestling and they sleep when their entire eyes are seeing  wrestleMania throughout. Roman Reigns is still Fighting in their sight even in their beds while they are lying down. And they expect their DNA to keep functioning properly.

That's why, in the world today, there are many people who are suffering from sicknesses they don't know where they came from. They looked into something and it influenced their DNA. Now the cells are also fighting themselves.

And they go to the hospital and the doctors say you have Autoimmune disorder, arthritis etc. Child of God, that should not be you. It's not your life. 

Your life should be full of glory, Matthew 5:14  “ You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

And he said in verse 16: let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

So you are supposed to be transmitting light. Hallelujah 🙏


Control what enters your eye. And even if they enter by chance, don't allow it influence your life.

And that calls for the renewal of the mind with the word of God on a daily basis. 

(Romans 12:2) Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.



Heavenly Father, I thank you because your word is true, powerful and everlasting. I declare that from today my eyes will be full of your word and my life is directed by your word because you said that you word is the spirit and the life. I want my life to be full of that spirit and that life. Thank you Jesus because you always hear me whenever I pray to you. Amen.

Further Studies: John 8:12, John 6:63

Still remain your friend,

Otim Brian Sundison

Heavenly Atmosphere, Expressing the life in the word

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